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"Forever Butterfly Sequel" is a collection of composition of 14 students in the First Language Chinese Class based on the work of writer Chen Qiyou. Yingzi and I sent a letter to my mother on a rainy day. Yingzi was hit by a car when walking across the road to put the letter into the mailbox. Fourteen stories, fourteen possibilities, fourteen Yingzi, fourteen butterflies. How is Yingzi? What's my future fate? ...
Chapters:Forever Butterfly/2
Dream (梦)/3
Bitter Rain(苦雨)/7
Letter that can't be sent (寄不出的信)/11
Locked Autumn (锁清秋)/15
Nature is Unkind (天地不仁)/19
3 or 4 spoons of sugar (三或四勺糖)/23
Love birds (比翼鸟)/29
Testament (遗书)/35
Outside Time (时间之外)/39
Red and Bright (人面桃花相映红)/45
The wedding in the dream (梦中的婚礼)/49
Fireflies in memory (记忆里的萤火)/53
Written by:周祎,占梓一,屠兰朵,张汉睿,王禹博,李明宪,杨懿嘉,王仲芸,杨若谷,梁楚欣,谈子乐,赵启帆,王婧瑜,葛越扬
Special thanks to: Dear Ms Yan
Chapters:Forever Butterfly/2
Dream (梦)/3
Bitter Rain(苦雨)/7
Letter that can't be sent (寄不出的信)/11
Locked Autumn (锁清秋)/15
Nature is Unkind (天地不仁)/19
3 or 4 spoons of sugar (三或四勺糖)/23
Love birds (比翼鸟)/29
Testament (遗书)/35
Outside Time (时间之外)/39
Red and Bright (人面桃花相映红)/45
The wedding in the dream (梦中的婚礼)/49
Fireflies in memory (记忆里的萤火)/53
Written by:周祎,占梓一,屠兰朵,张汉睿,王禹博,李明宪,杨懿嘉,王仲芸,杨若谷,梁楚欣,谈子乐,赵启帆,王婧瑜,葛越扬
Special thanks to: Dear Ms Yan
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